From ZERO to HERO is divided into 6 stages, each stage has 4 blocks, each block is scheduled for 30 hours. In total, this amounts to 720 teaching hours ( 120 hours per level).
We offer 3 forms of study:
1. Semi-intensive study is 2 x 90 minutes per week, which is 30 weeks,
2. Intensive study is 5 x 180 minutes per week, which reduces the study time to 6 weeks,
3. Individual study is the frequency you choose according to your own needs and abilities.
Group size is ideal for 6 participants, but smaller and larger groups are also possible. Corporate courses are tailor made.
Block length: 30 hrs.
Number of blocks: 4
Schedule: Depending on the level
Download the e-book 9 principles by Jana Chynoradskaya.