Education, training and work for better prospects and employability
Education, training and work for better prospects and employability
We have added a specialisation in CLIL methodology to the Learn & Lead trainer career development pathway and created two sector-oriented language courses.
This project was carried out under the heading of the Association of Language Schools of the Slovak Republic and strengthened the development strategy of Learn & Lead. In addition to the outputs from the asset below, you can read more information about this project on a separate website.
Project outputs:
Create a structured career path for foreign language learners who are not in the traditional education system – The PROLANT Cap Trainer Competence Framework
Build two sectors - specific language training programmes (one for building tourism and one for the automotive industry) using the CLIL method
This project was awarded BEST PRACTICE by the National Erasmus+ Agency of the Slovak Republic.
Project name:
Education, training and work for better prospects and employability