A national consortium between HARMONYACADEMY, IPA SLOVAKIA and PLUS ACADEMIA was formed to strengthen the successful implementation of the functional Learn&Lead model in language school operations in Europe. The main themes of the project were the creation of new innovative curricula/educational methods/creation of educational programmes, quality assurance and teaching and learning of foreign languages.
The joint objective of the consortium was to create an environment for the life of the school (HAPPY SCHOOL), which is defined as a school with an international dimension, high quality and availability of services and a system of lifelong learning of the whole organization.
This main objective was achieved through the following specific objectives, namely by strengthening the positions of lecturers-specialists in the field of adult education, especially in the CLIL methodology and the quality management of the organisation in the EFQM model (European Framework for Quality Management), strengthening the organisational management of the language school by strengthening the positions of trainer-leaders in the career path of the foreign language (FL) Learn & Lead trainer in the field of mentoring, coaching and leadership, linking the career path of the FL Learn & Lead trainer with the professional competency framework of the FL Prolant Cap trainer. Subsequently, we have established a link between the existing consortium partners: Harmony - IPA - PLUSACADEMIA in the area of FL tutor training and direct communication with the end customers - adult learners. We have also managed to make tutor positions in adult education more attractive through the successful implementation of the Learn & Lead trainer career development pathway. We have deepened partnerships with existing professional partners in Slovakia and the EU to develop cooperation in the Learn & Lead system, and we have created three new adult learning programmes in the Learn & Lead system.
In the project we have delivered 20 structured courses abroad in the UK, Latvia and Croatia (17 x face-to-face and 3 x virtual). These courses focused on CLIL methodology, learner-centred approach, creative methodology, effective use of modern technologies in the classroom, NLP, language coaching and mentoring, organisational quality development in the EFQM Excellence Model and classroom management. Two representatives of our consortium participated in job-shadowing activities in the UK and Croatia. This activity was focused on monitoring the work of trainers and managers of language schools, personnel management of the organization, intercultural and linguistic development, mutual exchange of experience usable in the work of trainer, leader and developer. In the project we also carried out 4 teaching activities abroad, when we introduced the Learn & Lead model for teachers, trainers and managers of a language school in France, in order to strengthen the integrity of the team and create habits of highly effective people in our school.
Aktivitami v tomto projekte sa nám podarilo vylepšiť výkony škôl v oblasti riadenia kvality kurzov, percentuálny nárast spokojnosti so službami našich škôl, nájsť nové jazykové školy naSlovensku (3), Chorvátsku (1) a Poľsku (1), ktoré sa rozhodli prijať a implementovať náš model Learn & Lead do svojich prevádzok, čím sme vytvorili sieť škôl Learn & Lead. Za pomoci tohto projektu sme vyškolili 15 lektorov pre rozvoj cudzieho jazyka a obsahu (úroveň 2), 5 lektorov pre rozvoj osobnosti a organizácie (úroveň 3), 10 lektorov – lídrov, 8 lektorov –developérov a 810 študentov Learn & Lead kurzov.
We were able to speak at three international conferences canSPEAK Conference, 3 October 2018, Agay, France; ADRIES 2018 Conference, Adriatic Education Development Research & Innovation Symposium, 12 - 14 October 2018 in Split, Croatia; and online conference IATEFL, LAMSIG - Festival of Ideas, New approaches to new realities, March 23, 2021.
We organized one international conference Learn & Lead 2019 in Žilina and also one international online webinar on Increasing quality in education with the EFQM Model of Excellence in February 2021.
We have created, piloted and successfully launched three new Learn & Lead courses for adults: the 9 principles of a modern man Learn & Lead, How to turn ideas into real business and How to make it in the market
We have succeeded in creating happy school recommendation guidelines for language schools that decide to adopt a quality management system.
We created and carried out an analysis of the school environment – Happy School.
The project has been of great benefit to the consortium partners, their trainers and staff as well as the general professional public in the field of quality development in language education and has contributed to the development of ongoing Learn & Lead projects with universities in Slovakia (2020-1-SK01-KA203-078306) and in the Czech Republic (2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078478).
List of articles:
What was 2020 like at HARMONY ACADEMY?
The world is changing with the arrival of the younger generation, we are changing with it.
Pavol Oško: This is England through my eyes
Daniel Bacík: Erasmus+ projects have repeatedly confirmed their legitimacy
We support young teachers on the path to development and quality education
CLIL Methodology Course in Scarborough!
My path of development and excellence
A week full of fantastic news and HORROR at the end!
A successful initiative "Let's help schools grow"!
Become the preferred organisation of your customers.
Happy School 2020: What awaits us in the project?
Happy School 2020: First meeting of national consortium partners
Happy School 2020: Introducing all national consortium partners
Happy School 2020: Happy School as the goal of the Erasmus+ project
Project name:
Project No.
Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation (SAAIC)
Erasmus+, KA1
National consortium shall:
IPA Slovakia, Slovakia, PLUS Academia, Slovakia
International project partners:
The Language School Company Limited trading as Pilgrims, United Kingdom, Anglolang Academy of English, United Kingdom, Biedriba Eurofortis, Latvia, Centre des Nouvelles Techniques de Communication, France
Project coordinator:
HARMONY ACADEMY s.r.o., Slovakia